Diva “off Broadway”, Soprano in Romosel

DISCLAIMER: We are thrilled that TRANSCEND was featured on the cover of Adevarul, a prestigious national newspaper in Romania. This recognition is a testament to the hard work of our team and the support from our community. While the article beautifully captures the story of Stacy in Romania during her first trip, there were some discrepancies that are important to clarify to ensure our story is accurately told. (For one example, the original title of this article was “Diva ON Broadway”. Stacy did not perform on Broadway. This was a language misunderstanding. She performed in shows that had been on Broadway, but she was not on Broadway herself. The title of this article has been modified accordingly, as well as some other details to maintain the integrity of the story.) We are immensely grateful to Adevarul for featuring us and bringing our project into the spotlight. Such coverage is invaluable, and we're honored to have our story shared with a wider audience. We hope this clarification helps provide a fuller picture of our efforts and achievements.

The original article was in Romanian. Below is the English translation (with corrections) followed by the original Romanian article.

by Sebastian Secan | Adevarul | January 16, 2011

The soprano who sang with Santana gave America life among the gypsies in Romania.
Stacy Marie Walker, the soprano who sang with Carlos Santana, Jon Secada and Arturo Sandoval, gave a concert last night in Cluj, after postponing her return home for three months. The singer chose to record (the first of) three albums in the home studio of Cornel Olar in the village of Romoşel, near Deva. Gypsy children and the simple life, without a bathroom or running water, are sources of inspiration for the American soloist.

She was one of the four sopranos of the Grammy Jazz Choir, who sang with big names of the international music scene such as Carlos Santana, Jon Secada, Monica and Arturo Sandoval. She had a leading role in musical productions performed in Atlanta and was invited to one of the editions of the Grammy awards. In this context, the decision of the American singer Stacy Marie Walker to publish three albums in Romania is more than surprising. Not for Stacy, who found simple country life, far from the hustle and bustle of her hometown, Atlanta, as a source of musical inspiration.

--- Romoşel instead of Los Angeles ---

She decided to come to Romania, in the village of Romoşel, where, ten years ago, a Belgian family moved that supports the Roma community in the Romos commune, where the professional recording studio of Cornel Olar also operates. "I liked the idea of ​​coming to a place that, at first glance, is not the best rated. I thought that by reaching a space considered "obscure", I would be able to create a living album, which would thus conquer the hearts of those who listen to it", declared Stacy.

--- Teacher for gypsy children ---

The singer teaches music to some of the gypsy children in Romos, claiming that they are a source of musical inspiration. "At first I wasn't sure how it would go, but the children are very lively and extremely rhythmic. They need love," concluded Stacy Marie Walker.


Soprana care a cântat cu Santana a dat America pe viaţa printre ţigani în România.

Stacy Marie Walker, soprana care a cântat cu Carlos Santana, Jon Secada şi Arturo Sandoval, a concertat aseară la Cluj, după ce şi-a amânat cu trei luni întoarcerea acasă. Cântăreaţa a ales să-şi imprime trei albume într-un studio din satul Romoşel, lângă Deva. Copiii de ţigani şi viaţa simplă, fără baie sau apă curentă sunt surse de inspiraţie pentru solista americană.

A fost una din cele patru soprane ale Corului Grammy Jazz, care a cântat cu nume mari ale scenei muzicale internaţionale precum Carlos Santana, Jon Secada, Monica sau Arturo Sandoval. A avut rol principal în producţii Broadway, jucate în Atlanta şi a fost invitată la una din ediţiile premiilor Grammy.

Decizia cântăreţei americane Stacy Marie Walker de a-şi imprima trei albume discografice în România este în acest context mai mult decât surprinzătoare. Nu şi pentru Stacy, care şi-a găsit ca sursă de inspiraţie muzicală viaţa simplă de la ţară, departe de aglomeraţia din oraşul ei natal, Atlanta.

Romoşel în loc de Los Angeles

Solista a hotărât să vină în România, în satul Romoşel, acolo unde, acum zece ani, s-a mutat o familie belgiană care sprijină comunitatea de romi din comuna Romos, unde funcţionează şi un studio profesionist de înregistrări. „Mi-a plăcut ideea de a veni într-un loc care, la prima vedere, nu este cel mai bine cotat. M-am gândit că ajungând într-un spaţiu considerat «obscure», voi reuşi să creez un album viu, care să cucerească astfel inimele celor ce-l ascultă“, a declarat Stacy.

„Profă“ pentru copiii ţigani

Cântăreaţa îi învaţă muzică pe câţiva dintre copiii de ţigani din Romos, susţinând că sunt o sursă de inspiraţie muzicală. „La început mă gândeam că nu voi reuşi, însă sunt foarte plini de viaţă şi extrem de ritmici. Mi-am dat seama că au nevoie de dragoste. Mă gândesc să imprim o melodie cu ei“, a conchis Stacy Marie Walker.

SOURCE: Read Original Article Here


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